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6 week "LIVE RECORDED" Program

"Learn How To Easily Tap Into Your Psychic Abilities To Bring Healing Messages, Connect With Your Own Spirit Guides & Communicate Directly With Loved Ones On The Other Side"

  • Starts 11th June

  • Sessions Are "LIVE" and also Recorded

  • $555 AUD

    "One Time" Payment

  • Tuesday 7-8.30pm AEST

Join Me On A Journey Of Self Discovery, Tap Into Your Own Intuition & Psychic Skills With Real Time Practice

Discover the "BLIND SPOT" No-One Is Talking About When It Comes To Being A Confident Medium!!

When I Mastered This Fundamental Principle In My Mediumship I Was Working Professionally In My Business in Under 12 Months And The Same Opportunity Awaits You (Should You Wish)

in this course YOU will LEARN

"I have Designed this Content as a Balance of Traditional & Modern Teachings, with an Embodied Approach to have you FEELING CONFIDENT and Excited To Start Your Journey Into The Magical World Of Psychic Mediumship"

Week 1 💫 The Path To An Authentic Spiritual Life

✔️You Will Gain Insight Into Psychic Development And Mediumship

✔️What It Is And How You Use It As The Basis For HEALING YOURSELF And Others

✔️Discover Your Inner Why, Your Psychic Knowing, Using Your Intuition To BUILD TRUST with Yourself & Spirit. ✔️Recognise When it's Time to be "HECK YES" to Work With The Spirit World!

✔️Uncover the Myth's of Psychic & Mediumship Work ✔️How You Get to Choose Your Own
"NO RULES" Journey and Experience As a Aspiring Psychic Medium

💫Exploring the Difference Between Psychic & Mediumship Abilities

💫Discover & Learn what Type of Psychic or Medium YOU WANT to be

💫​How to Create Safety for You & Your Client - Ethics in Mediumship

💫Gain The Confidence & Inspiration on your Journey as an Aspiring Psychic Medium​

💫Connect with Other Aspiring Psychic Mediums Just Like You - In Our ‘Spiritual Community’

Week 2 💫Chakras & Energy Alignment

✔️Understand Chakras & Universal Energy and How We Can Use It As Psychic Medium's But Also In Every Day Life. ✔️ ENHANCE INNER KNOWING & Psychic Senses.

✔️Discover The Importance Of ENERGY BOUNDRIES

✔️So That You Can Learn How To Protect Yourself, Home And Work Space - Especially Important For Us Empaths!

✔️Learn How To Connect, Scan And Balance Your Own Chakra's, RELEASE STUCK ENERGY To Ensure, ✔️Connect To Your Own High Vibrational Energy Before Connecting To Others

💫Discover How We ALL have Natural Psychics Abilities

💫Learn How Your Body is a Bridge to the Spirit World​​

💫Observe your Chakras for Insight to YOUR OWN Healing Journey

💫Connect to The Signs from Spirit and the Universe

💫Experience a Meditation to Connect and Observe the Functions of your Chakras

Week 3 💫Your Spirit Team - Who's "Got Your Back" On The Other Side

✔️Getting Curious, Who Are Your Spirit Team? Let's Journey Together To Find Out About Your Spirit Team,

✔️ Meet Your Spirit Guides to RECEIVE MESSAGES Of Guidance

✔️We Will Be Looking At Ways Your Psychic Abilities Have Shown Up In Your Life Already.

✔️CONNECTING TO SIGNS From The Universe And Spirit

✔️Learn About Different Way To Communicate With Your Spirit Guides. Using Your Senses To CONNECT WITH YOUR CLAIRS,

✔️How To Recognise Them, Use Them And Develop Them.

💫Recognise Who "Has Your Back" On The Other Side

💫Discover, Identify & Communicate with Your Spirit Team

💫Learn How Your Mediumship Mirror's Real Life - Your Natural Strengths and Weaknesses​

💫Introduction to The ‘Clairs'​ and How They Are The Gateway to the Spirit World ​

💫Experience a Guided Journey to "Discover" One Of Your Guides and Receive Guidance

Week 4​ 💫Clairs - How We Open The Gateway To Connect To Our Loved Ones

✔️You Will Learn The Importance Of

The "Clairs' In Psychic & Mediumship Development And How You Can Recognise Them, Strengthen Them And, ✔️Develop Them To CONNECT TO PASSED LOVE ONES

✔️Curious About How To ‘CONNECT INTO SPIRIT’ And The Different Brainwave Frequencies

✔️Discover Different Ways of Providing Readings, a 1:1, In Group (Platform) , Email Readings and Psychometry


✔️Learn How a Psychic And Mediumship Reading Are Delivered Differently

💫How You Can Bring Profound Healing With Mediumship​

💫Connecting In’ - Opening Up Your Awareness For Communicate With The Other Side

💫Delivering Psychic & Mediumship in Different Ways

💫​The Straightforward Techniques to Provide a Mediumship Reading

💫Experience a Guided Journey To The Spirit World & Maybe Connect With a Loved One in Spirit

Week 5​ 💫The "BLIND SPOT" - What Has Psychic Mediums "Stuck" In Development

✔️Discover What Really Has Amazing Psychic Mediums STOPPED, STUCK & STRUGGLING

✔️So You Can Step Into You True Soul Purpose & Build An Amazing Spiritual Business

✔️Learn To Start Strengthening Your MEDIUMSHIP MINDSET With This Guided Heart Brain Coherence Meditation

✔️Along With Practicing Affirmations To Deepen Your Self Confidence

✔️Using The Fundamentals Learnt,

Provide A Quick Easy Mediumship Reading.

✔️LINK DIRECTLY With The Spirit Communicator Your Sitter Wants To Hear From! (YES, it is totally possible!)

💫Learn how your OWN Lived History can Influence your Mediumship Ability!

💫​Uncover the Key to Being a Confident Psychic Medium

💫Deliver a STRAIGHTFORWARD, Direct Mediumship Reading

💫Experience a Meditation To Connect Mind, Body & Spirit

💫How to Further Your Development in Psychic and Mediumship

Week 6​ 💫Tool's Of The Trade - The Journey To Finding Your Own Unique Abilities

✔️Connect With A Much Loved

Animal In Spirit And Receive a Heart Felt Message Of Healing

✔️MEET YOUR SPIRIT ANIMAL For Guidance on Your Spiritual Journey

✔️Pendulums, Tarot, Oracle Cards Learn About How You Can Utilise Items To Assist You To Bring In Answers From Spirit. ✔️Choose What Resonates With You And Add Them To Your ‘PSYCHIC TOOLBOX’

✔️Experience Traveling Beyond This World Using Astral Projection, & Remote Viewing.

✔️LEARN TO PROJECT YOUR SOUL To Experience Other Places Beyond

💫We Will Learn How To Connect With Our Animal Friends On The Other Side

💫Discuss and Discover Your ‘Psychic Tool Box ’ And How These Items Hold Information From Spirit

💫Journey To a Magical Place To Connect & Gain Guidance For Your Spirit Animal

💫Soul Travel And The Astral Realm

💫What's Next For Your Psychic Journey & Q&A




For as long as I remember I was fascinated by anything "Woo Woo". As a teenager I remember watching every episode of John Edward - Crossing Over and I loved Lisa Williams and her changing hair colour! I wished so much that I had been "chosen" to be born with these "gifts"

The first experience I had with spirit that I remember clearly, I was 16y and woke at by dads house to see a young girl standing by my bed! Like a lot of you reading this, the experience was terrifying and I closed myself off to Spirit without consciously making that decision.

In my adult life I continued to be mesmerised by anything spiritual which led me to my own self-discovery and healing path, I even remember being asked If you could do anything in the world what would it be" my reply: MEDIUMSHIP!

On my journey I found so much conflicting information where ever I turned. You need to "Sit In The Power" daily, make a symbol library, find your gate keeper, follow a structure in your readings, meditate prior to readings, follow the rule format, etc. etc. and to be honest I found it all exhausting and I was at the point of "giving up" on my dream as it all felt just TOO HARD

Then my Mentor arrived in my life, a Medium who was doing it differently. Despite nearly giving up, I was inspired to pursue mediumship and was introduced to an "No Fluff" straightforward way to work with spirit. NO rituals or old traditional techniques but practical teachings to go DIRECT to the Spirit Communicator and in UNDER 12 Months I was reading professionally and loving the experience!! And it could be YOUR STORY too!

Reflecting on my journey, I see that so many people have the same experiences in their Mediumship development and either "give up" or get "STUCK" in development for years and years and still never feel good enough.

Being a Medium is not just about connecting with the spirit world. It is a journey of personal growth, healing, and transformation that ultimately that has what led me to help others on their path to healing and empowerment.

Take Advantage Of This Amazing Psychic & Mediumship Training, Quantum Leap Your Spiritual Development With Quick & Straightforward Techniques To Accelerate Your Spiritual Journey.

💫Step Into The Magic Of Mediumship with Ease

What Clients ARE Saying

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"True Connection"

"Groundbreaking Healing"

"Spiritual Guidance"

"Provided Validation"

Office: Gold Coast, QLD Australia

Copyright 2024 . All rights reserved

Emma Stawicki - Your Soul Guide